
You can also find my articles on Google Scholar.
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M-current modulation of cortical slow oscillations: Network dynamics and computational modeling
Leonardo Dalla Porta, Almudena Barbero-Castillo, Jose Sanchez-Sanchez, Maria V. Sanchez-Vives. PLoS Comput Biol, 19(7), e1011246, 2023.

Feedforward and feedback influences through distinct frequency bands between two spiking-neuron networks
Leonardo Dalla Porta, Daniel M. Castro, Mauro Copelli, Pedro V. Carelli, and Fernanda S. Matias. Phys. Rev. E, 104(5), 054404, 2022.

Impact of GABA_A and GABA_B Inhibition on Cortical Dynamics and Perturbational Complexity during Synchronous and Desynchronized States
Almudena Barbero-Castillo, Pedro Mateos-Aparicio, Leonardo Dalla Porta, Alessandra Camassa, Lorena Perez-Mendez and Maria V. Sanchez-Vives. J. Neurosci, 41(23), 5029, 2021.

A mean-field approach to the dynamics of networks of complex neurons, from nonlinear Integrate-and-Fire to Hodgkin–Huxley models
M. Carlu, O. Chehab, L. Dalla Porta, D. Depannemaecker, C. Héricé, M. Jedynak, E. Köksal Ersöz, P. Muratore, S. Souihel, C. Capone, Y. Zerlaut, A. Destexhe, and M. di Volo. J. Neurophysiol., 123(3), 1042, 2020.

Exploring the Phase-Locking Mechanisms Yielding Delayed and Anticipated Synchronization in Neuronal Circuits
Leonardo Dalla Porta, Fernanda S. Matias, Alfredo J. dos Santos, Ana Alonso, Pedro V. Carelli, Mauro Copelli, and Claudio R. Mirasso. Front. Syst. Neurosci., 13, 41, 2019.

Criticality between Cortical States
Antonio J. Fontenele, Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos, Thais Feliciano, Leandro A. A. Aguiar, Carina Soares-Cunha, Barbara Coimbra, Leonardo Dalla Porta, Sidarta Ribeiro, Ana Joao Rodrigues, Nuno Sousa, Pedro V. Carelli, and Mauro Copelli. Phys. Rev. Lett., 122, 208101, 2019.
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APS Physics, Quanta Magazine, Ars Technica, Physics World,

Modeling neuronal avalanches and long-range temporal correlations at the emergence of collective oscillations: Continuously varying exponents mimic M/EEG results
Leonardo Dalla Porta, and Mauro Copelli. PLoS Comput. Bio., 15(4), e1006924, 2019.